Sunday, December 21, 2008




Q5 :Are these changes temporary or permanent?
The skilled migration program is continually reviewed and assessed for its relevance and outcomes in light of theeconomic and social needs of Australia. The program is modified as these needs change.

Q6: Will the program be capped, either officially or unofficially?
If the processing of priority categories does not consume all of the department’s processing resources, there are anumber of legislative based tools available to the minister to manage the skilled application pipeline, if necessary,including suspension of processing or capping the number of visas to be issued.

Q7: Is there any difference in processing between onshore and offshore programs?
No, the new priority processing will affect onshore and offshore applications equally.

Q9 :How can states and territories sponsor people?
States and territories can sponsor people who have an occupation on their state skills shortage list and they may alsosponsor up to 500 people a year who do not have occupations on their state list. Applicants should directly approach thestate or territory in which they wish to live to enquire about sponsorship.

Q10: How many people can states and territories bring in under the state and territory skills shortage list?
The number of potential migrants which each state or territory can sponsor from their skills shortage list is unlimited,barring the total skilled migration program’s ceiling being reached. However, each state and territory is allocated a quotaof 500 off-list nominations per program year from occupations included on the Skilled Occupations List (SOL) but not onthe state’s skills shortage list. These off-list nominations are in addition to the nominations from the state skills shortagelist.

Q1 :How will these changes impact on international students?
Australia has a well-deserved reputation for high-quality education and training. We continue to welcome overseasstudents, and appreciate the contribution they make to both academic life and the communities in which they live.There are no changes being proposed to the student visa program itself. The pathway from a student visa to GSM alsoremains in place. However, applying for a student visa and applying for General Skilled Migration (GSM) are separateprocesses. It is important to note that student visas are aimed at achieving an educational outcome. GSM on the otherhand is predominantly driven by the labour market needs of Australia.

Q7: What further changes are proposed for the student program?
At this time, there are no changes proposed to the student visa program.Applying for a student visa and applying for General Skilled Migration (GSM) are separate processes. GSM requirementsmay be altered in future in response to changing economic circumstances.
The Government is focused on shifting the outcome of the migration program to a more industry driven model whereemployer sponsored visas become a significant pathway to permanent residence. Further changes along this directionwill potentially be made in the future.

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